For Travel Agencies

If you need Local Food Travel Tips: We are a specialist!




Hi from Japan!

We are “Table a Cloth : A Travel Agency in Japan which focuses on FOOD TOURISM.What is "Table a Cloth"


    We are very new travel agency started in 2018.

    We have been making travel plans for Japanese customers who really like to eat local foods or would like to have special experiences during their travel.

    Their destinations are sometimes overseas or other time, whole in Japan.



    So, we have lots of knowledges what to eat, where to eat in order to make their travels special! We have an original restaurant list including more than 5,000 restaurants all over the world.

    We try to select the place / topics more local, not very touristic and warm welcomed to everyone.



    Here in this blog, we’d like to share it with people who are planning to visit Japan to have tasty experience.

    I hope you can feel like you’re living in Japan after touching our travel tips.



    See you soon in Japan!

    良い旅を。 -Bon Voyage-


    Nahoko Okada

    : The CEO of Table a Cloth Co.,Ltd.




    Table a Cloth.CO.,Ltd




    ↓We have plenty of special travel plans available here!

    Travel to Japan?